! Note : we cannot supply following files because of GNU license.

If you need them when you compile the application, please download and install it by yourself.

libusb-1.0.so / libusb-1.0.so.0 / libusb-1.0.so.0.0.0 / libusb-1.0.la

libcrypto.so / libcrypto.so.1.0.0 also others

Compiling command for each of the platform.

arm 64bit

>make CFG=arm64 clean;make CFG=arm64

arm 32bit

>make CFG=armv7 clean;make CFG=armv7

desktop 32bit 

>make CFG=x86r clean;make CFG=x86r

desktop 64bit 

>make CFG=x64r clean;make CFG=x64r

[How to test]

I tested it on Ubuntu 18.04 x64.

1. Download HIDCpp.

2. Go to the directory where 20200119_HIDCpp.tar is downloaded and unzip it. 

tar -xvf 20200119_HIDCpp.tar

3. Go to the directory of the unzipped HIDCpp folder.

4. Compile HIDCpp.

make CFG=x64r clean;make CFG=x64r

5. Compiled binary will be created in Bin/x86_64 folder. Go to the directory and check HidSample (compiled application)
You can find the application’s dependencies with ‘ldd’ command.

ldd HidSample

6. Now you will meet any sentence, ‘… => not found’. 

e.g. libCopyProtection.so.1 => not found

7. Please register environment variables like below.


e.g. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/anna/Documents/SDKs/HIDCpp/Libraries/x86_64
8. Run the application with connecting the device.


9. You can test the device as you wish from now on. (see the attached screenshot.)